Puppetry 偶戲
Opera 戲曲
Storytelling 說書
Music 音樂
Folk Beliefs 民間信仰
Folk Dances 民俗舞蹈
Folk Arts 民間技藝
Minorities 少數民族藝術
Folk Festivals 廟會節慶

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82-440: Studies in Chinese Literature and Culture: Chinese Folk Performance

This is an introductory course on Chinese folk performance traditions. It aims to help students obtain a general understanding of the various Chinese folk performance forms including puppetry, opera, oral storytelling traditions, and temple festival performances. It will also explore the culture of folk performance, dramatic literature and performing arts, their relationship with Chinese local culture and societies, and their national and global impact.

Class activities will include lectures, guest speakers, and discussion, as well as presentation of multimedia examples of folk performances. At the end of the course,students are expected to have a better understanding of the nature and scope of the Chinese folk performance traditions and gain some fundamental training that will enable them to carry on related field work and research.

Prerequisite: 82-332 or permission of the Instructor
Instructor: Sue-mei Wu, Ph.D. Associate Teaching Professor

Puppetry 偶戲

There are three types of puppet theater: 布袋戲(hand or glove puppet theater, 皮影戲 (shadow puppet theater) and魁儡戲 string puppet theater or marionette theater).

Opera 戲曲
Storytelling 說書
Music 音樂
Folk beliefs 民間信仰
Folk dances 民俗舞蹈
Folk Arts 民間技藝
Folk Festival 廟會節慶
Minorities 少數民族藝術