Yang Li Hua, Taiwanese Opera Superstar (歌仔戲天王巨星 ”楊麗花”)

Taiwanese Opera

Traditional Character Text 繁體字版

一提到台灣歌仔戲, 人們就會想到歌仔戲天王巨星 ”楊麗花” 。

楊麗花(1944年---), 是台灣宜蘭人, 她從小在宜蘭的歌仔戲班裡長大, 三歲時就開始上台演出。她媽媽常是女扮男裝反串演小生, 楊麗花從小耳濡目染, 也對反串演小生特別拿手。她的小生扮相俊美、音色渾厚, 迷倒了不少女粉絲。而楊麗花的女扮男裝, 這不但是她的演出特色, 也是台灣歌仔戲的主要特色之一。

楊麗花在1950年代-1960年代就成了遠近馳名的歌仔戲野台戲演員, 她也是台灣「電台歌仔戲」、「電視歌仔戲」的創始者。她於1970年代所組成的「台視歌仔戲團」不僅讓歌仔戲能在電視新媒體得以流傳, 她也是讓歌仔戲聲名遠播海內外的靈魂人物。

回想當年楊麗花在電視台錄《薛平貴和王寶釧》時, 超過五十的高收視率, 真是破了台灣電視史的收視紀錄;那時每次錄完影以後, 楊麗花總是要擠過層層的粉絲人牆, 才能離開電視台, 其中還包括喜愛她的家庭主婦和婆婆媽媽們。

楊麗花表示, 她演歌仔戲演了四十多年, 詮釋過好幾百個歷史人物, 雖然她只有念到小學三年級, 但是因為她演的多是忠孝節義的歷史故事, 所以她在戲裡學了不少的做人的道理, 而她所最珍視的就是『情義』兩個字。

Simplified Character Text 简体字版

一提到台湾歌仔戏,​​ 人们就会想到歌仔戏天王巨星”杨丽花” 。

杨丽花(1944年---), 是台湾宜兰人, 她从小在宜兰的歌仔戏班里长大, 三岁时就开始上台演出。她妈妈常是女扮男装反串演小生, 杨丽花从小耳濡目染, 也对反串演小生特别拿手。她的小生扮相俊美、音色浑厚, 迷倒了不少女粉丝。而杨丽花的女扮男装, 这不但是她的演出特色, 也是台湾歌仔戏的主要特色之一。

杨丽花在1950年代-1960年代就成了远近驰名的歌仔戏野台戏演员, 她也是台湾「电台歌仔戏」、「电视歌仔戏」的创始者。她于1970年代所组成的「台视歌仔戏团」不仅让歌仔戏能在电视新媒体得以流传, 她也是让歌仔戏声名远播海内外的灵魂人物。

回想当年杨丽花在电视台录《薛平贵和王宝钏》时, 超过五十的高收视率, 真是破了台湾电视史的收视纪录;那时每次录完影以后, 杨丽花总是要挤过层层的粉丝人墙, 才能离开电视台, 其中还包括喜爱她的家庭主妇和婆婆妈妈们。

杨丽花表示, 她演歌仔戏演了四十多年, 诠释过好几百个历史人物, 虽然她只有念到小学三年级, 但是因为她演的多是忠孝节义的历史故事, 所以她在戏里学了不少的做人的道理, 而她所最珍视的就是『情义』两个字。

Pinyin Text 拼音

Yìtídào Táiwān Gēzǎixì,​​ rénmen jiùhuì xiǎngdào Gēzǎixì tiānwáng jùxīng” Yáng Lìhuā”.

Yáng Lìhuā (1944 nián---), shì Táiwān Yílán rén, tā cóngxiǎo zài Yílán de Gēzǎixì bān lǐ zhǎngdà, sānsuì shí jiù kāishǐ shàngtái yǎnchū. Tā māmā cháng shì nǚbàn nánzhuāng fǎnchuàn yǎn xiǎoshēng, Yáng Lìhuā cóngxiǎo ěrrú mùrǎn, yě duì fǎnchuàn yǎn xiǎoshēng tèbié náshǒu. Tāde xiǎoshēng bànxiàng jùnměi, yīnsè húnhòu, mídǎo le bùshǎo nǚ fěnsī. Ér Yáng Lìhuā de nǚbàn nánzhuāng, zhè búdàn shì tāde yǎnchū tèsè, yěshì Táiwān Gēzǎixì de zhǔyào tèsè zhīyī.

Yáng Lìhuā zài 1950 niándài-1960 niándài jiù chéngle yuǎnjìn chímíng de Gēzǎixì yětáixì yǎnyuán, tā yěshì Táiwān “diàntái Gēzǎixì” ,”diànshì Gēzǎixì” de chuàngshǐ zhě. Tā yú 1970 niándài suǒ zǔchéng de “Táishì Gēzǎixì tuán“ bùjǐn ràng Gēzǎixì néng zài diànshì xīn méitǐ déyǐ liúchuán, tā yěshì ràng Gēzǎixì shēngmíng yuǎnbò hǎinèiwài de línghún rénwù.

Huíxiǎng dāngnián Yáng Lìhuā zài diànshìtái lù “Xuē Píngguì hé Wáng Bǎochuān” shí, chāoguò wǔshí de gāo shōushì lǜ, zhēnshi pòle Táiwān diànshì shǐ de shōushì jìlù; nàshí měicì lùwán yǐng yǐhòu, Yáng Lìhuā zǒngshì yào jǐguò céngcéng de fěnsī rénqiáng, cáinéng líkāi diànshìtái, qízhōng hái bāokuò xǐ'ài tāde jiātíng zhǔfù hé pópo māmā men.

Yáng Lìhuā biǎoshì, tā yǎn Gēzǎixì yǎnle sìshí duō nián, quánshìguò hǎojǐbǎi ge lìshǐ rénwù, suīrán tā zhǐyǒu niàndào xiǎoxué sānniánjí, dànshì yīnwèi tā yǎn de duōshì zhōngxiào jiéyì de lìshǐ gùshì, suǒyǐ tā zài xìlǐ xuéle bùshǎo de zuòrén de dàolǐ, ér tā suǒ zuì zhēnshì de jiùshì “qíngyì” liǎng ge zì.

English Text 英文版

When Taiwanese opera is mentioned, people will think of the Taiwanese opera superstar "Yang Lihua."

Yang Lihua (1944 ---), was born in Taiwan's Yilan county, and she grew up in a Taiwanese opera troupe in Yilan. Ever since she was 3 years old she has been performing on stage. Her mother often performed gender switched roles as young male characters. Yang Li-hua was quite influenced by this, and is particularly good at performing the young male roles. While performing young male roles her handsome appearance and loud and clear singing have captured the hearts of many female fans. Her distinguished performance of gender switched young male character roles is not only a characteristic of her own performance, but is also one of the special features of Taiwanese Opera.

In the 1950s to 1960s, Yang Lihua became a renowned performer in outdoor open air performances of Taiwanese opera. In Taiwan, she is also the founder of "Radio Taiwanese opera," and "TV Taiwanese opera." In the 1970s, she organized the "Taiwan TV station Taiwanese Opera troupe" which helped spread Taiwanese Opera through the new medium of television. She is also a key figure who has made Taiwanese Opera more well-known both domestically and overseas.

It is recalled that when Yang Lihua was doing the TV performance of the "Xue Pinggui and Wang Baochuan" play the audience viewing rating was above 50, which easily broke ratings records in Taiwan’s television history. At that time, when she was finished her work at the TV station she often needed to squeeze through layers of wall-to-wall fans in order to leave the TV station. Her fans, including mothers, housewives, and elder women, loved her so much!

Yang Lihua remarked that she has been performing Taiwanese Opera for over 40 years and has acted and interpreted several hundred historical figures. Although her formal education is only up to the third grade, because she performed many historical stories of loyalty, filial piety, integrity, moral courage and the virtues of brotherhood, she learned a lot about the truths and principles of being a human being. What she cherished the most is the two words "Qingyi: ties of friendship, comradeship. "

Vocabulary 生詞  

# 繁体 简体 拼音 英文
1 天王巨星 天王巨星 tiānwáng jùxīng superstar
2 歌仔戲班 (歌仔戲團) 歌仔戏班 (歌仔戏团) Gēzǎixì bān (Gēzǎixì tuán) Taiwanese Opera troupe
3 反串 反串 fǎnchuàn gender switching (in acting)
4 耳濡目染 耳濡目染 ěrrú mùrǎn be imperceptibly influenced by what one constantly sees and hears
5 拿手 拿手 náshǒu expert; good at
6 扮相俊美 扮相俊美 bànxiàng jùnměi look great (referring to the appearance of an actor or actress in costume and makeup)
7 音色渾厚 音色浑厚 yīnsè húnhòu loud, clear and perfect singing
8 迷倒 迷倒 mídǎo captured the hearts of others
9 粉絲 粉丝 fěnsī fans
10 遠近馳名 远近驰名 yuǎnjìn chímíng well-known, famous, renowned
11 野台戲 野台戏 yětáixì open-air performance
12 創始者 创始者 chuàngshǐ zhě founder, establisher
13 流傳 流传 liúchuán spread, circulate
14 聲名遠播 声名远播 shēngmíng yuǎnbò good reputation is spreading out
15 海內外 海内外 hǎinèiwài domestic and overseas
16 靈魂人物 灵魂人物 Línghún rénwù key and important figure
17 收視率 收视率 shōushì lǜ viewership rating (for a TV program)
18 詮釋 诠释 quánshì act out and interpreting (in acting), explanation note, annotation
19 珍視 珍视 zhēnshì value, cherish
20 情義 (人情與義理) 情乂 (人情与义理) qíngyì (rénqíng yǔ yìlǐ) ties of friendship, comradeship

Comprehension Exercises 理解練習

Part I: Multiple Choice 選擇題

  1. 楊麗花從小在什麼樣的家庭裡長大?


    Yang Lihua grew up in what kind of family?

  2. 楊麗花常反串好幾百個歷史人物, 演的多是什麼樣的故事?

    杨丽花常反串好几百个历史人物, 演的多是什么样的故事?

    Yang Lihua performed several hundred historical figures for what kind of stories?

  3. 楊麗花最珍視的就是什麼兩個字?


    What are the two words which Yang Lihua valued the most?

Part II: True or False 是非題

  1. 楊麗花八歲時就開始上台演出。


    Yang Lihua performed on stage since she was 8 years old.

  2. 她的小生扮相俊美、音色渾厚, 迷倒不少女粉絲。

    她的小生扮相俊美、音色浑厚, 迷倒不少女粉丝。

    Her handsome appearance in acting as a young male role and her loud, clear and perfect singing have captured many female fans’ hearts.

  3. 楊麗花的粉絲包括喜愛她的家庭主婦和婆婆媽媽們。


    The fans of Yang Liuhua include housewives, elder women and mothers.

  4. 楊麗花在1980年代就成了遠近馳名的歌仔戲野台戲演員。


    Yang Lihua was well-known as an open air Taiwanese performer as early as the 1980s.

Part III: Fill in the Blank 填空題

  1. 她媽媽常是_______, 楊麗花從小耳濡目染, 也對反串演小生特別拿手。

    她妈妈常是_______, 杨丽花从小耳濡目染, 也对反串演小生特别拿手。

    Her mother often acted______. Yang Lihua was influenced by that ever since when she was little. Therefore she is quite good at performing young male roles.

  2. 楊麗花在電視台表演時, 超過 _______的高收視率, 破了台灣電視史的收視紀錄。

    杨丽花在电视台表演时, 超过_______的高收视率, 破了台湾电视史的收视纪录。

    When Yang Liu was performing in the TV station, the viewing rate of over______ broke the historical record for a Taiwanese TV viewing rating.

  3. 楊麗花拿手的__________, 是台灣歌仔戲的主要特色之一。

    杨丽花拿手的__________, 是台湾歌仔戏的主要特色之一。

    Yang Lihua is good at _________. It is also one of the special features of Taiwanese opera.

Part IV: Extended Answers 問答題

  1. 楊麗花為什麼反串小生最拿手?


    Why is Yang Lihua very good at performing the young male gender switched roles?

  2. 楊麗花是怎麼讓歌仔戲遠近馳名的?


    How did Yang Lihua make Taiwanese Opera more well-known?

  3. 楊麗花說她在戲裡學到了什麼? 她最珍視的是什麼?

    杨丽花说她在戏里学到了什么? 她最珍视的是什么?

    What did Yang Lihua say she learned from the plays? What did she value the most?

  4. Use the Vocabulary and the useful expressions (一提到…就…) ; (對…拿手); (不僅…也 ) to talk about one of the following choices:
