Introduction to Taiwanese Opera (歌仔戲介紹)

Taiwanese Opera

Traditional Character Text 繁體字版

歌仔戲約在20世紀初期, 起源於台灣宜蘭的民間本土戲曲。歌仔戲以閩南語 (台語) 演出, 貼近民眾生活語言, 且曲調採自歌謠小調, 內容多半為人們耳熟能詳的忠孝節義故事, 是台灣早期農業社會重要的娛樂活動之一, 極受台灣民眾的歡迎, 成為台灣主要的民間劇種。

歌仔戲的「歌仔」二字, 有山歌、小曲的意思, 是以七字或五字組成一句, 每四句組成一段的一種民歌。初為歌舞小戲形式, 後加入各種服裝、角色、劇情等, 並吸收了中國傳統戲曲的演出方式, 逐漸成為大戲。相較於京劇, 歌仔戲的特色包括演出唱腔較為自由, 亦無固定劇本, 多由戲先生說戲, 供演員即興發揮、演出。

人物通常有生旦丑淨, 其中小生常是女扮男裝, 歌仔戲的哭調唱腔也是其特色之一。 歌仔戲中亦經常出現臺灣民間之俚語、諺語, 以及句尾押韻的「四唸白」, 因此, 歌仔戲亦能展現出臺灣俗諺之美。

歌仔戲在這百年的發展過程中, 歷經了野台、內台、廣播、電影、電視歌仔戲等階段, 不僅深入台灣的民間信仰, 廟會節慶等活動, 也與台灣人們的生活習俗緊密地結合, 它的興衰過程也反映了當代台灣的經濟、社會、政治等的蛻變情形。

歌仔戲是一個深具台灣本土文化的戲劇表演, 並流傳至大陸閩南薌江流域一帶, 及東南亞閩南移民聚集地區。歌仔戲也出現了許多享譽國內外的知名戲團與家喻戶曉的文藝薪傳人物, 2009年臺灣政府頒定歌仔戲為臺灣文化資產之重要傳統藝術類。

Simplified Character Text 简体字版

歌仔戏约在20世纪初期, 起源于台湾宜兰的民间本土戏曲。歌仔戏以闽南语(台语) 演出, 贴近民众生活语言, 且曲调采自歌谣小调, 内容多半为人们耳熟能详的忠孝节义故事, 是台湾早期农业社会重要的娱乐活动之一, 极受台湾民众的欢迎, 成为台湾主要的民间剧种。

歌仔戏的「歌仔」二字, 有山歌、小曲的意思, 是以七字或五字组成一句, 每四句组成一段的一种民歌。初为歌舞小戏形式, 后加入各种服装、角色、剧情等, 并吸收了中国传统戏曲的演出方式, 逐渐成为大戏。相较于京剧, 歌仔戏的特色包括演出唱腔较为自由, 亦无固定剧本, 多由戏先生说戏, 供演员即兴发挥、演出。

人物通常有生旦丑净, 其中小生常是女扮男装, 歌仔戏的哭调唱腔也是其特色之一。歌仔戏中亦经常出现台湾民间之俚语、谚语, 以及句尾押韵的「四念白」, 因此, 歌仔戏亦能展现出台湾俗谚之美。

歌仔戏在这百年的发展过程中, 历经了野台、内台、广播、电影、电视歌仔戏等阶段, 不仅深入台湾的民间信仰, 庙会节庆等活动, 也与台湾人们的生活习俗紧密地结合, 它的兴衰过程也反映了当代台湾的经济、社会、政治等的蜕变情形。

歌仔戏是一个深具台湾本土文化的戏剧表演, 并流传至大陆闽南芗江流域一带, 及东南亚闽南移民聚集地区。歌仔戏也出现了许多享誉国内外的知名戏团与家喻户晓的文艺薪传人物, 2009年台湾政府颁定歌仔戏为台湾文化资产之重要传统艺术类。

Pinyin Text 拼音

Gēzǎixì yuē zài 20 shìjì chūqí, qǐyuán yú Táiwān Yílán de mínjiān běntǔ xìqǔ. Gēzǎixì yǐ Mǐnnán yǔ (Táiyǔ) yǎnchū, tiējìn mínzhòng shēnghuó yǔyán, qiě qǔdiào cǎizì gēyáo xiǎodiào, nèiróng duōbàn wéi rénmen ěrshúnéngxiáng de zhōngxiào jiéyì gùshi, shì Táiwān zǎoqí nóngyè shèhuì zhòngyào de yúlè huódòng zhīyī, jí shòu Táiwān mínzhòng de huānyíng, chéngwéi Táiwān zhǔyào de mínjiān jùzhǒng.

Gēzǎixì de “Gēzǎi” èrzì, yǒu shāngē, xiǎoqǔ de yìsi, shì yǐ qīzì huò wǔzì zǔchéng yíjù, měi sìjù zǔchéng yíduàn de yìzhǒng míngē. Chūwéi gēwǔ xiǎoxì xíngshì, hòu jiārù gèzhǒng fúzhuāng, juésè, jùqíng děng, bìng xīshōule Zhōngguó chuántǒng xìqǔ de yǎnchū fāngshì, zhújiàn chéngwéi dàxì. Xiāngjiào yú Jīngjù, Gēzǎixì de tèsè bāokuò yǎnchū chàngqiāng jiàowéi zìyóu, yì wú gùdìng jùběn, duō yóu xì xiānsheng shuōxì, gōng yǎnyuán jíxìng fāhuī, yǎnchū.

Rénwù tōngcháng yǒu shēng dàn chǒu jìng, qízhōng xiǎoshēng cháng shì nǚbàn nánzhuāng, Gēzǎixì de kūdiào chàngqiāng yěshì qí tèsè zhīyī. Gēzǎixì zhōng yì jīngcháng chūxiàn Táiwān mínjiān zhī lǐyǔ, yànyǔ, yǐjí jùwěi yāyùn de “sì niànbái”, yīncǐ, Gēzǎixì yì néng zhǎnxiàn chū Táiwān súyàn zhīměi.

Gēzǎixì zài zhè bǎinián de fǎzhǎn guòchéng zhōng, lìjīngle yětái, nèitái, guǎngbò, diànyǐng, diànshì Gēzǎixì děng jiēduàn, bùjǐn shēnrù Táiwān de mínjiān xìnyǎng, miàohuì jiéqìng děng huódòng, yě yǔ Táiwān rénmen de shēnghuó xísú jǐnmì de jiéhé, tā de xīngshuāi guòchéng yě fǎnyìng le dàngdài Táiwān de jīngjì, shèhuì, zhèngzhì děng de tuìbiàn qíngxíng.

Gēzǎixì shì yíge shēnjù Táiwān běntǔ wénhuà de xìjù biǎoyǎn, bìng liúchuán zhì dàlù Mǐnnán Xiāngjiāng liúyù yídài, jí Dōngnányà Mǐnnán yímín jùjí dìqū. Gēzǎixì yě chūxiànle xǔduō xiǎngyù guónèiwài de zhīmíng xìtuán yǔ jiāyùhùxiǎo de wényì xīnchuán rénwù, 2009 nián Táiwān zhèngfǔ bāndìng Gēzǎixì wéi Táiwān wénhuà zīchǎn zhī zhòngyào chuántǒng yìshù lèi.

English Text 英文版

The Gezaixi (Taiwanese Opera) originated around the early 20th century in Taiwan’s Yilan county. It is a local form of folk opera performed in the Taiwanese language to be close to the lives and speech of the local people. Its tunes are collected from folk ballads, and the stories are mostly familiar stories about the human virtues of loyalty, devotion, filial piety, integrity and moral courage. In Taiwan’s agricultural society of the time, Gezaixi was an important recreational activity and was very welcomed by the Taiwan people. It grew to become Taiwan's major form of folk opera.

The term “Gezai” in “Gezaixi” contains the meanings of folk songs sung in the fields during or after work and little melodies. Gezai is a folk song which is composed of seven- or five-word sentences, arranged into paragraphs of four sentences each. In the beginning, Gezaixi was a singing-dancing form, then it added various kinds of clothing, characters, plots, etc. and absorbed much influence from traditional Chinese opera performances, gradually becoming an important form of dramatic opera. When comparing Gezaixi with the Peking Opera, the special characteristics of Gezaixi include more flexible ways of singing, and the lack of fixed play scripts. The scripts are usually narrations from the storytelling master and the performers act spontaneously for the show.

The figures are often Sheng, Dan, Chou and Jing, and among these the young male roles are usually performed by females. The way of crying tune singing is also one of its characteristic features. There are typically some Taiwanese slang, proverbs, and rhyming sentences in "four-line narrations” appearing in Gezaixi performances. Therefore, Gezaixi can also show the beauty of Taiwanese language proverbs.

During a century of development, Gezaixi has gone through open-air performance, indoor theater, radio, film and television performance stages. It has not only been deeply intertwined with Taiwanese folk beliefs, temple festivals and holiday celebrations, but is also tightly integrated with the daily life and living habits of the Taiwan people. The ups and downs of Gezaixi throughout its development have also reflected economic, social and political transformation processes in contemporary Taiwan.

Gezaixi is a dramatic performance form in which the local Taiwanese culture runs deep. It is also spreading out to Minnan’s Xiang River area and to Minnan immigrant gathering areas in Southeast Asia. Some renowned Gezaixi troupes are well-known both in Taiwan and overseas. There are also some well-known Gezaixi figures who are recognized as national Heritage figures. In 2009 the Taiwan government named Gezaixi as an important traditional art form in Taiwan’s cultural assets.

Vocabulary 生詞  

# 繁体 简体 拼音 英文
1 貼近 贴近 tiējìn press close to
2 歌謠小調 歌谣小调 gēyáo xiǎodiào 歌謠: ballad, folk song, nursery rhyme
小調 (music): ditty, minor, small melody
3 耳熟能詳 耳熟能详 ěrshú néngxiáng to know somebody or something very well, be familiar with
4 忠孝節義 忠孝节义 zhōngxiào jiéyì 忠貞:loyalty, devotion
孝順: filial piety (being a dutiful kid)
氣節: integrity, moral courage
義氣:code of brotherhood
5 農業社會 农业社会 nóngyè shèhuì agriculture society
6 娛樂 娱乐 yúlè entertain; entertainment
7 山歌、小曲、民歌 山歌、小曲、民歌 shāngē、xiǎoqǔ 、míngē 山歌: folk song sung in the fields during or after work)
小曲: small melody
民歌: folk song
8 即興發揮 即兴发挥 jíxìng fāhuī impromptu; improvise the situation without preparation and bring into play
9 女扮男裝 女扮男装 nǚbàn nánzhuāng female acting as male role
10 哭調唱腔 哭调唱腔 kūdiào chàngqiāng crying and sobbing melody
11 俚語、諺語、俗諺 俚语、谚语、俗谚 lǐyǔ, yàyǔ, súyàn 俚語: slang
諺語: proverb, common saying
俗諺: proverb, common saying, folk adage
12 展現 展现 zhǎnxiàn unfold before one’s eyes; emerge; develop
13 四唸白 四念白 sìniànbái four-line narration
14 民間信仰 民间信仰 mínjiān xìnyǎng folk belief
15 廟會節慶 庙会节庆 miàohuì jiéqìng temple festival and holiday celebration
16 興衰 兴衰 xīngshuāi prosperity and decline
17 蛻變 蜕变 tuìbiàn transform; transformation
18 移民 移民 yímín immigrate; immigration
19 聚集 聚集 jùjí gather; assemble
20 享譽 享誉 xiǎngyù enjoy a great reputation
21 知名 知名 zhīmíng well-known; famous
22 家喻戶曉 家喻户晓 jiāyù hùxiǎo widely known; known to all
23 頒定 颁定 bāndìng promulgate and stipulate; issue
24 文藝人物 文艺人物 wényì rénwù art figure
25 文化資產 文化资产 wénhuà zīchǎn cultural resources and property
26 薪傳 薪传 xīnchuán deliver; pass on

Comprehension Exercises 理解練習

Part I: Multiple Choice 選擇題

  1. 歌仔戲起源於什麼時候? 什麼地方?

    歌仔戏起源于什么时候? 什么地方?

    When and where did Gezaixi originate?

  2. 歌仔戲加入各種服裝、角色, 劇情等並吸收了中國_____的演出方式, 逐漸成為大戲。

    歌仔戏加入各种服装、角色, 剧情等并吸收了中国____的演出方式, 逐渐成为大戏。

    Gezaixi added various kinds of clothing, characters, plots, etc. and absorbed much influence from __________, gradually becoming an important form of dramatic opera.

  3. 歌仔戲與台灣的_______ 緊密地結合。

    歌仔戏与台湾的______ 紧密地结合。

    Gezaixi has been deeply intertwined with Taiwan’s ___________.

  4. 歌仔戲中亦經常出現臺灣民間之_______, 因此, 歌仔戲亦能展現臺灣俗諺之美。

    歌仔戏中亦经常出现台湾民间之______, 因此, 歌仔戏亦能展现台湾俗谚之美。

    There are typically some Taiwanese _______ appearing in Gezaixi performances. Therefore, Gezaixi can also show the beauty of Taiwanese language proverbs.

Part II: True or False 是非題

  1. 歌仔戲內容多半為人們耳熟能詳的忠孝節義故事。


    The stories of Gezaixi are mostly familiar stories about the human virtues of loyalty, devotion, filial piety, integrity and moral courage.

  2. 歌仔戲人物通常有生旦丑淨, 其中小生常是女扮男裝。

    歌仔戏人物通常有生旦丑净, 其中小生常是女扮男装。

    The figures of Gezaixi are often Sheng, Dan, Chou, and Jing, and among these the young male roles are usually performed by females

  3. 歌仔戲的興衰過程反映了當代台灣的經濟社會政治等的蛻變情形。


    The ups and downs of Gezaixi throughout its development have also reflected economic, social and political transformation processes in contemporary Taiwan.

  4. 2009 年臺灣政府頒定歌仔戲為臺灣文化資產之重要傳統藝術類。

    2009 年台湾政府颁定歌仔戏为台湾文化资产之重要传统艺术类。

    In 2009 the Taiwan government named Gezaixi as an important traditional art form in Taiwan’s cultural assets.

Part III: Fill in the Blank 填空題

  1. 歌仔戲以_______ 演出, 貼近民眾生活語言。

    歌仔戏以_______ 演出, 贴近民众生活语言。

    Gezaixi is performed in _________to be close to the lives and speech of the local people.

  2. 歌仔戲在台灣早期_______裡是民眾很重要的娛樂活動。


    In Taiwan’s ___________of the time, Gezaixi was an important recreational activity for folk people.

  3. 歌仔戲的「歌仔」二字, 有_______的意思, 是一種民歌。

    歌仔戏的「歌仔」二字, 有_______的意思, 是一种民歌。

    The term “Gezai” in “Gezaixi” contains the meanings of_______. It is a folk song.

  4. 歌仔戲的______唱腔也是其特色。


    The way of ______ in Gezaixi is also its characteristic feature

Part IV: Extended Answers 問答題

  1. 相較於京劇, 歌仔戲有哪些特色?

    相较于京剧, 歌仔戏有哪些特色?

    What are the special characteristics of Gezaixi when comparing it with the Peking Opera?

  2. 歌仔戲在這百年的發展過程中, 歷經了哪些階段?

    歌仔戏在这百年的发展过程中, 历经了哪些阶段?

    During a century of development, what stages has Gezaixi gone through?

  3. 歌仔戲除了在台灣演出以外, 主要流傳至什麼地方?

    歌仔戏除了在台湾演出以外, 主要流传至什么地方?

    In addition to Taiwan, Gezaixi has been also spreading out to what areas?

  4. 簡單介紹一個你所知道的表演藝術, 使用句型參考:

    简单介绍一个你所知道的表演艺术, 使用句型参考:

    Introduce an art/performance you know. Try to use the following patterns/expressions in your introduction.

    起源於(起源于);   之一;   受…歡迎 (受…欢迎),   具/具有;   反映;   因此;   不僅…也
